Folsom Disc Golf Club: Disc Stamps

Several years ago while on vacation, I discovered disc golf. My brother-in-law and I found some frisbees in the garage and played our first round of disc golf. We had no idea what we were doing and the frisbees weren’t made specifically for throwing long distances. But, we had a good time and would revisit the disc golf course whenever we made it back to our family vacation spot.

In 2020, when folks found themselves desperate for something to occupy their time, I started playing more disc golf with friends. A few in our group were more experienced than others, but the nature of the game allows for beginners as well as more advanced players to play together.

We are very fortunate to have a disc golf course in the City of Folsom. And, we were very fortunate to have a group like the Folsom Disc Golf Club. The club puts in a lot of hours to maintain the course and works tirelessly to grow the sport and make it fun.

I've had the pleasure of designing club discs for the Folsom Disc Golf Club. I've also helped the club by designing disc stamps for special events. If you've never played disc golf, be sure to check out the “Billy Goat Course” at BT Collins Park in Folsom. It's an excellent way for beginners to get some exposure to the game.


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